Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Have you ever had a day that didn't quite go the way you planned, however, by the end of that day you can see the hand of God on everything that happened? Yep! I had one of those days on Tuesday, but by the end of the day I realized that it really went the way it was supposed to go.

You see, I've been trying my best to get myself up between 6:00-6:30, get ready, make my coffee and sit down to have my quiet time. Tuesday....well, let's just say the snooze button got a work out! When I finally got up it was 7:15 and got my day started, it didn't start with quiet time. 't started with picking up my dad for breakfast, an 11:00, hour and half meeting, lunch, an impromptu meeting with Pastor Chris, picking up mail at Melissa's, home at 6:00, supper, a little TV and then, finally, at 8:00 my quiet time.  I started to give myself a hard time, at least until I started to write out my daily scripture. This is when God really began to speak to my heart and I'd like to share it with you.

1 Chronicles 16:8-14 Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually! Remember the wondrous works that He has done, His miracles and the judgements He uttered. O offspring of Israel His servant children of Jacob, His chosen ones! He is the Lord our God; His judgements are in all the earth. 

Wow! What reminders were in this scripture! 

Give thanks! Do you ever get so caught up in the day and what's gone wrong, that you forget to thank Him for the things that went right....or even the things that went wrong? I'm not talking about saying things like, "I'm thankful I was in an accident," but things like, "I'm thankful that no one got hurt." I hope you're following this line of thinking. Not thankful for the wrong, but thankful in it. I am thankful that dad called and wanted to have breakfast. I am thankful for some time with just him. I love my dad. I'm thankful that when he fell the other week, he didn't break any bones. I. Am. Thankful!*****

Call upon His name! Have you ever looked up the many names of God and their meanings? If not, I encourage you to. He has such beautiful names! Adonai....Lord over all. Jehovah-Shammah....the Lord who is present. Jehovah-Rapha....the Lord our healer. Jehovah-Tsidkenu....the Lord our righteousness. Elohim....God is creator, powerful and mighty, Lord of lords. My favorite one is this....I AM. This one, to me, encompasses everything. I am your healer. I am your provider. I am your comforter. I am all you need. I AM!

Make known His deeds! Tell your story of redemption! Tell how God brought you out of addiction and that you are a new creation in Christ. Tell how God saved your marriage. Tell it! Revelation 12:11 says, we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our TESTIMONY! This is how we overcome! Also, don't just tell your own story, make known His deeds in others lives....with their permission of course! Talk about God and what He's done!! 

Sing praises to Him! I can already hear you, "I don't like to sing because I don't have a great voice." So what! God doesn't say only those with great voices can sing to Him. NO! He says sing praises. In case you don't know, I'm passionate about this one. I love to sing and lift high His name and I really don't care what I sound like doing it. Yes, God blessed me with a voice, but there have been days when it sounded like a frog. But when I got in church and the praise team started to sing, I just had to lift my voice. Trust me, you may feel like you are the worst sounding person in the room, by worldly standards. But by God's standards?! Beloved, I believe that when God hears you lift your voice, He turns to Jesus and says, "My Son, listen. Do you hear that beautiful voice singing? Doesn't it sound amazing?" This is not to make Him feel good, but to fill our heart with hope and joy!

Seek the Lord! Seek His strength and His presence! When we seek Him, when we look for Him, He will be found! This is a promise! My favorite way to seek God is worship. For you it might be while you read His word. For others it may be walking in nature. None of these is right or wrong. Just seek Him because with Him comes His sweet healing, saving, joyous Presence and His strength for the days ahead. 

These are just some of the reminders that I found in this beautiful scripture. I encourage you to read it and find the reminders that God would have you be reminded of.

*****If you find that you have trouble being thankful, I challenge you to the Thankful Game! Every time you get in the car...YES, every single say, out loud, three things you are thankful for. There are only 2 rules to the thankful game. 1. Everyone must play. Basically, my car, my rules, you play. Everyone of us has something to be thankful for! 2. No interruptions, or as some would call it, the Wendy rule. Once the thankful game has begun, you must hold any questions until everyone has been thankful. Yes, it is named after me and I own it, because sometimes I get excited and want to know all the awesome details. So, when someone starts to interrupt the thankful game, a loving shout of "Wendy Rule" must be shouted.

I am thankful for my amazing husband!

I am thankful that God gives us sweet reminders right when we need them!

I am thankful for John, Milo, Amos, and Rin...the most amazing grandchildren ever!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!! I am thankful for a sister & brother in-law that has and continues to serve our Awesome God!!!

    I'm thankful for David, Katrina and Bradley for just being them!!!

    I'm thankful for my Misfit family!!!!
